Busy to be
Minds are addicted to being busy… and yoga can help us with our mind’s rehab!
Minds are addicted to being busy… and yoga can help us with our mind’s rehab!
How do you look at, or even talk to, yourself? Like you probably did, I grew up with mirrors in my house. Throughout the years, I learned to get to know myself through the mirror – yet mostly, and obviously, […]
What an interesting time we are living. On the one hand, I feel like many people happily went “back to normal” and forgot the numerous changes and adaptations we have had to make in the recent years… and are still […]
A few weeks ago, I had the “chance” to have COVID. Secretly, I had made a story in my head that I would make it through the pandemic without getting it… When I least expected it, of course, it came […]
I hope this note finds you sound and healthy. Spring is on its way, and we (at least here in the far North) just need to be patient a little longer! I am a spring and summer person. This is […]
December… It’s colder and darker… And yet, for many of us, December is also quite busy with holiday preparation, diverse celebrations, family, social gatherings, extra travels, finishing up projects and perhaps an end-of-the-year last rush of activity! Although it might seem normal, the usual “December busy-ness” might also seem a […]
I hope you had a smooth entry into 2020 and transition through the winter. I know it’s not over yet, and many of us have dealt with seasonal sickness. Yet winter is also the softest time of the year; even […]
Being with ourselves and others About four weeks ago, my business partner and I had the privilege to co-teach a workshop about presence at a company event, guiding three groups of 40-50 people for half an hour through different body […]
Spring is on its way! A couple of weeks ago in Denmark, we were blessed with longer sunny days and springy temperatures… but now we’re back to rain and staying-in weather. Weather changes, just like we humans do. We put […]
On Waking (John O’ Donohue) I give thanks for arriving Safely in a new dawn, For the gift of eyes To see the world, The gift of mind To feel at home In my life. The waves of possibility Breaking […]