Equanimity vs. righteousness
Two years ago, on a heavy-rain night, water started to drop from the ceiling in our bedroom. The next day, we signalled it to our landlords, who sent someone to fix it. Apparently, there was a leak in the building’s […]
Two years ago, on a heavy-rain night, water started to drop from the ceiling in our bedroom. The next day, we signalled it to our landlords, who sent someone to fix it. Apparently, there was a leak in the building’s […]
Don’t know you, but I find that the questions I am asking myself have to do with direction. Now, as my wife and I are looking for a new home, which direction should we turn towards? Careerwise, what is my […]
Flow with changes, in and out
”om namah shivaya gurave” I recognize the teacher within (from the Shiva invocation chant) Two weekends ago, my colleague Nicolai Boas and I kicked off our joined Yoga Teacher training in Copenhagen. We had so much fun, and I felt […]
Don’t know you, but spring is my favorite time of the year.A time of renewal, re-opening, and rediscovery of how the brighter days feel like. Now, at the threshold between the dark to the bright, nature invites us to make […]
I hope this email finds you well. And if it does not, I hope you can find some support in it. We are approaching the darkest day of the year – at least here in the Northern hemisphere. Christmas and […]
A few weeks ago, I attended a silent meditation retreat in South Portugal. Although I have been meditating more or less daily for a good ten years now, this retreat was a game changer for me and my practice. The […]
Right now, what preoccupies you? The mind has a natural tendency to be alert to what is not functioning and might be a threat for the future. Indeed, humans’ reproduction has been dependent on our ancestors’ capacity to notice and […]
Stability is a must for health. To grow up healthy, a child needs stability (Children’s commissioner, 2018). Stable caretakers, stable meals, stable habits. On the other end of life’s spectrum, they key to live a happy and healthy life passed […]
(including free meditation guide, see below) Hope you’re doing well and that the current events have not destabilized you too much. I am sure they have, somehow; and that’s quite understandable. But yoga and other eastern traditions teach us one […]