Coaching & Team Workshops

I offer personal and professional coaching, both 1:1 and team-based, through HeartWise’s other branch: HeartWise Co.

Read more here below or visit


Personal growth & business growth, together 

HeartWise Co. helps you as an individual or a team realize your full potential in a professional context through 1:1 coaching and team workshops.

If you represent a small businesses and want to conciliate the company’s vision with your people’s personal ambitions, HeartWise’s Co. new team-bounding concept “PVUS” might be what you are looking for: Replace your typical  employee-employer yearly check-in (Personal Development Dialogue or “MUS” in Danish) with an externally facilitated process with individual sessions and a following team workshop to help you move forward and unite personal and business growth. Read more about PVUS: Persons- og VirksomhedsUdviklingsSamtale…


  “To be human is to become visible, while carrying what is hidden as a gift to others” – David Whyte


About the work

To me, Cedric, the founder of HeartWise Co., the key to a fulfilling life is the ownership of our strengths, while seeing each challenge as an opportunity to grow and realize our full potential.

HeartWise’s approach is holistic and revolves around three main pillars: strength-enhancing, mindfulness-based, and heart-centered.

Read more about 1:1 coaching and team workshops for businesses.



To hear more, contact me at

or visit HeartWise Co.’s website