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Back to Basics 2.0
10/27/2018 @ 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
DKK 350
“Back to Basics 2.0: Refine your Alignment & Deepen Your Practice“
Til dig, der gerne vil mere ud af din yogapraksis.
Har du spørgsmål, skriv til Cedric (cedric@heartwiseyoga.com) eller Ania (ania@pakhusyoga.dk).
Varmeste hilsner
Pakhus Yoga
Tilmelding og pris:
Workshoppen koster 350 kr. og foregår i Pakhus Yoga, Njalsgade 19C, 2300 KBH S, lørdag 27/10/2018 kl.14-17.
For tilmeldingen skriv en email til info@pakhusyoga.dk med dit navn, adresse, telefonnummer og email med emnet “back to basics 2”.
Overfør samtidig beløbet til vores konto i Nordea på Reg: 2101 Konto: 0726876223 eller via MobilePay: 63179 (husk at skrive hvad du overføre for i beskedfeltet)
Om underviseren og metoden:
Cedric Gorinas (ph.d., CYT-200) brænder for at hjælpe andre med at vokse – igennem coaching og yoga. I hans yogaundervisning er det vigtigt for Cedric at skabe et trygt rum med stor vægt på den gode og naturlige kropsholdning i stillingerne, som sikrer, at den fysiske praksis udføres på en sikker måde. Han har flere yogauddannelser bag sig, og er den eneste instruktør i Europa med en certificering i Ashaya Yoga®. Læs mere om Cedric på www.heartwiseyoga.com.
Workshoppen tager i udgangspunkt i den alignment-baserede og hjerte-centrerede yogametode Ashaya Yoga®, en metode der bringer sammen nøjagtige, kropsterapeutiske teknikker med livsbekræftende visdom fra gammel østlig filosofi og derved forbinder kroppen, sindet og hjertet (www.ashayayoga.com).
For you who wish to get a little more out of your yoga practice…
The possibilities to go deeper and nerd with proper alignment in a typical drop-in class are often limited.
Not only does good alignment bear healing and therapeutic properties, but it also allows you to get a deeper, healthier stretch and strengthen your muscles in a safe and more effective way.
An additional, often over-looked property of good alignment is its ability to take you deeper within yourself, and “align” you with your deeper truth by bringing your mind in line with the wisdom of your body and the “inner heart.”
The main part of this workshop will focus on the physical yoga practice, asana, taking time to refine and understand both basic and more advanced postures. You’ll have the opportunity to deepen your practice and your experience of what yoga can for you – inside and out.
Cedric Gorinas, PhD and CYT, will teach this workshop mainly informed by the alignment-based and heart-centered method Ashaya Yoga ®. We will refer to easily relatable ancient texts and philosophy for you to also experience the benefits of yoga off the mat – in your daily life and for your personal development.
Workshop is well suitable for you with some experience of yoga, advanced students, and yogis/yoginis who need some inspiration to get back to their practice. Relatively new beginners are also welcome, but expect some intensity.
Any questions, please contact Cedric (cedric@heartwiseyoga.com) or Ania (ania@pakhusyoga.dk).
Warm regards,
Pakhus Yoga
Price is 350 kr. for 3 hours on Sat Oct 27, 2018, from 2-5pm in Pakhus Yoga, Njalsgade 19C.
To sign up send an email to info@pakhusyoga.dk with your name, address, phone and email with subject “back to basics 2”.
Please transfer at the same time to Nordea account Reg: 2101 Konto: 0726876223 or via MobilePay: 63179 (please write you sign up for).
About Cedric
My approach builds up from more than 10 years of practice, teaching, and training with international teachers in alignment-based and heart-centered Hatha Yoga (certified in Ashaya Yoga® as the only teacher in Europe).
Body alignment and heart centering are two central aspects of my teaching. The most important for me is to create a safe and inclusive space, where you can be yourself and expand your edges, with clear alignment cues and empowering teachings from ancient wisdom.
Read more about Cedric at http://www.heartwiseyoga.com/about/