you rock big time!

THANK YOU for all you are, and for all the wisdom you share along. You are such a talented writer! Balancing words of precision and poetry is a gift of yours that I had noticed before, but I’ve never got the […]

What a deeply powerful meditation

What a deeply powerful meditation <3. I was speechless after. I had absolutely no words in me. Though after I journaled a bit, I realize I would have loved to do so. ‘Floating light’, as someone said, probably comes quite close.. […]

tremendously peaceful

I found Sunday’s meditation practice particularly spacious and light. While I’m very sorry I was a few minutes late, I am surprised that I was able to “drop in” so readily. I found myself in another ethereal atmosphere, floating through […]

consummate professional

Everything about your delivery is just wonderful. I would say that you have a rare combination of being a consummate professional who is at the same time very open and approachable. Thank you! K.N.

unique Zooming meditation

I love your peacefulness you bring to the meditation classes.  It’s very unique Zooming meditation.  I think every little bit helps students find their own way. D.M.

I just love his classes!

I just love his classes! Such a nice voice to follow, love to detail and nice themes. I always feel amazing afterwards. Lovely! J.G.