The Heart-Mind – Meditation Workshop

meditation workshop

« Yogas Citta Vrtti Nirodha – Yoga Sutra Pantajali, Sutra 1.2. » Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind.   Already thousands of years ago in India, just as in today’s fast-paced modern world, sages started to notice the […]

The Stillness of the Heart – Meditation Workshop

Meditation workshop

Explore or deepen your meditation practice and your experience of the Heart   Yoga is a holistic practice that aims at reconnecting ourselves with our natural lifeforce and inner wisdom not only in our body and mind, but also in […]

Into Stillness – Meditation Workshop

meditation workshop

  Meditation immersion – Sunday August 6th, 15.00-19.00 (3.00-7.00pm)   Reconnect to or deepen your meditation practice   Meditation is a practice, an invitation to draw the attention back within and to the present moment “again, again, and again.” However, […]